
bayar hutang

Friday, August 21, 2009

aku kena tag dengan 3 org sekali gus dengan soalan yg same & ada award dr kaq siti...so aq 1 entry nie khas untuk kamoo yg mengetag aku sebelom aku balik jaybee...ehehee jgn jeles....


5 fakta menarik tentang pemberi award:

1. sangat minat warna biru seperti daku..huhuuu.

2. toke selendang bersama rakan kongsinyer kaq mint....

3. sangat suke bergosip bersama die....sperw org tue??biarla rahsia...hehehee..

4.single but not available.....

5. 1 PA dengan die....haahhaa....tue pon bleh kn....

award ni ditujukan kepada:
sape2x yg trbace entry nie..ngeh3x..

next....tagging dr mEreka-kaq siti, fa and anis..

1) Beside your lips,where is the favourite spot to get kissed?
kening ngn pipi....hhahahaha..bpak gatai..cepuk mas nyer soklan....

2) How did you feel when you woke up this morning?

3) Who was the last person / people you took photo with?
hmmm...jp2x recall....hmmm....amek ngan hui, eiqa, mira ngn kaq nik kt mcc...

4) Would you consider yourself spoiled?
tak taw....

5) Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?

6) Do you want someone to be dead?
aq bukan malaikat nk cabut nyawa org...

7) What does your last text message say?
mentari muncul mnjelang pagi,
bersyukurlah dengan kurniaan ilahi,
ramadhan al mubarak semakin menghampiri,
jangan lupe puasa sabtu nie..slmat menyambut bln rmadhan n slam kemaafan dr aku.....from bila...

8) What are you thinking right now?
kt mane mau intern nie...ada idea???

9) Do you want someone to be with you right now?
my bapak n my mamak...hehehee...

10) What was the time you went to bed last night?
kul 3 pg after lyan harry potter..hehehee..

11) Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now?
giant jerk i mampu....

12) Is someone on your mind right now?
mamak dengan bapak ku..hahhahaa..

13) Who was the last person who text you?
bila~~my bestfriend...

Ten LUCKY person to do this quiz.

1. fatien~~~roomate ku time F5
2.anis tag kamoo ku kembalikn..ehhee
3.fa , kamu pon begitu..
4.kaq siti tidak terkecuali...hahahaaa..
5.kaq aisyah~~senior ku....
6.fana~ ex-roomate ku..
7.hazrina~~ex-coursemate ku dlu..
8.azri~~dgn pesanan ko la mengong...
9.x taw dh nk tag sape agy..
10..no clue...

14) Who is no.2 having a relationship with?
x komfom la..ri tue ckp sudah break...tnyer die sendiri..xmo jage kain org..hehhee..

15) Is no.3 a male or a female?
nama fa female la syg oiii...

16) If no.7 and no.1 get together , would it be a good?
ntah la dorang mane kenal....

17) What is no.1 studying about?
mechanical....hamek kau...

18) When was the last time you chatted with them?
bru td ptg, smlm , kelmarin....kt ym, fb,fs,ms oovoo..

19) Is no.4 single?
single tp not available...ko msuk risik 100% kne reject..hahahha

20) Say something about no. 2
sgt suke buat lawak sengal okay...ehheheee...

21) What do you think about no.3 & no.6 being together?
bleh jerk...mereka kn coursemate ku...1 bumbung agy...hehehee..

22) Describe no.9
infinite...x derw org..

23) What will you do if no.6 and no.7 fight ?
mereka mau gaduh??sorang kt kuantan sorang kt selangor...igt wonder woman kerw...

24) Do you like no. 8?
tak...die ske pnggil aq mengong....

25) How about no. 10?
tidak berbadan, berkaki, bermata...segala berla.... coz x derw name..heehee...

okay hutang sudah langsai....ngeh3x....now off to jybee..tata~~~

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